Sunday, December 14, 2008

DoublingStocks... A Rare Stock Pick! (read this).

In a few days I'm going reveal
the stock ticker of a company I believe
will produce a spectacular gain.

I cannot tell you much right now, but
here's the few snippets I can give away:

This company was an AMEX listed stock
with a huge market cap, (i.e. worth a lot).

But they failed to file certain forms with
the SEC, and unexpectedly slipped down
to the Pink Sheet stock exchange.

Because of this, almost everyone holding
the stock sold out. And investors interest
dried up.

But... nothing had happened to the actual
company. In fact it's still producing
mountains of cash (2007 Operating
Revenue: $56 Million).

Yet the companies market cap, slipped
down to just $3.9 million.

And even if you discount the fact this
company is generating bagfuls of

Just one of their assets, is conservatively
estimated to be worth $61 million...


Opportunities like this are few, and far
between and I feel extremely lucky for
stumbling on this company.

In a few days, I'll email you more details.
Such as why I believe this company is
going to be revalued soon...

And I'll give you the full scoop on why
this is such an amazing opportunity.

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