Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stock Trading Robot Picks

I finally got my brokerage account set up and the first penny stock that was recommended in the Doubling Stock Newsletter was SKVI, or Skinvisible Inc. So I purchased 300 shares at $0.25 per share, which came to a $75 investment. The target price for this stock is $0.64 so if the recommendation works out, I will make a little over twice my initial investment, which would be a great return.

At the end of today, the stock closed at $0.26, so it only went up by $0.01 from the time I purchased my stocks. I will provide an update regularly to track this stock or if I end up selling it suddenly due to a spike in price, I will provide an up on total returns. I'm very excited to see the results from the first pick from the Stock Trading Robot, MARL.