Friday, May 30, 2008

Doubling Stocks ... UOMO Has Made a 62.2% Increase

Congrats to those who took my advice, and researched
and subsequently invested in UOMO.

The stock has rocketed from $0.45 to $0.73 making a gain of
62.2% (And it's still trading at $0.69).


Just think, had you put $10,000 on UOMO when I sent the
stock pick... You'd now have $6,200 (or so) in clear profit.

And for what?

Opening your emails of a night time, to check if I had sent
a warning email?

P.S. Anyhow congrats to those who did profit, but just so you
know, I believe UOMO could go even higher in the next few
coming days...

And I believe now is still a good time to start researching UOMO.

To Get Your Own Stock Trading Robot, Click Here.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ok, Here's the Real Stock Pick of Today!

Yahoo Finance:
Company Websites:

Last night I emailed you about a company whom have found a
way of capitalizing on the slump in the music industry.

I can now reveal, this company is "Uomo Media" and as part of
the business model I explained... they have started acquiring
various writers and producers.

Most recently, they've signed "Tricky Stewart" and "Redzone
Entertainment", two producers responsible for 25 million
CD's sold.

Tricky Stewart produced and co-wrote, Mariah Carey's
single "Touch My Body" her eighteenth single to go to
number one.

(By the way, Mariah broke the previous record set by Elvis
Presley who got 17 records to number 1).

And the reason they're signing deals with as many producers
as possible is simple...

Let me explain...

The music industry is split into 4 key segments...

First the "Recorded Music Producer", this is the person who
actually gets in a studio and produces songs with the artist.
They're usually also the firm who found the artist in the
first place.

They'll be paid a one off fee, and most often a percentage
of overall future profits the artist generates.

Secondly the owner of "Publishing Rights"... Anyone can buy
or acquire the rights to an artists song. And this means
every time the song is used in a film, advert, or put on
CD... The owner of these rights is paid a percentage.

Thirdly there is "Talent Management" this company manage
what the artist actually does... If they go on tour, produce
branded merchandise or CD's, this company will manage it
and take a cut.

Finally there is a relatively new addition to the process,
"Digital Distribution"... These companies liaise with digital
music portals like Itunes, Napster and Music Match.

(For this service they usually take a large cut of online digital sales.)

You get the point, the industry is fragmented into a bunch of
different firms whom all take their cut from what an artist
or band produces.

Though profits in the industry have recently been declining, and
it is in fact the use of "Digital Distribution" which is the cause.

To put this problem in perspective, US households are now
buying twice as many "digital singles" as real CD singles.

Profits of industry giants, like Sony BMG have dived, especially
as these online portals sell songs for as cheap as $0.99 or

This has surged the industry into a state of depression, the
uncertainty has lead to music properties (producers, rights)
being sold far under their true market value.

You' see the main problem facing those in the music industry
is decreasing revenues due to music now being sold online.

However UOMO Media have put themselves in a position
where it is them who profit from every part of the process.

UOMO Media consists of:

UOMO Recorded Music
UOMO Publishing
UOMO Talent Management
UOMO Digital Distribution

Which collectively cover pretty much every service an artist

UOMO Recorded Music is the arm of UOMO Media whom will
produce the songs by actually working with artists in their
recording studio.

UOMO Publishing will then own the rights to the artists work,
this segment of the business will collect profits every time
the track is played, and they'll take a percentage of CD sales.

UOMO Talent Management will then manage the artist as
they go on tour, produce merchandise and create and sell

Finally UOMO Digital Distribution will liaise with services
such as Itunes and Napster to ensure the artist has a foothold
in the online marketplace.

... For the artists this offers, what has been dubbed a "360 deal",
they will only need to deal with one company (UOMO) throughout
the entire process of creating, licensing and selling their work.

But the effect on the business (UOMO) is far greater...

Because UOMO have managed to streamline the entire industry
into one business this has afforded them a number of advantages.

First, as explained artists are more inclined to work with UOMO
whom are able to control every aspect of the process and will
have a large financial interest in making the artist a success.

Secondly because UOMO control all 4 key segments of the
market, they're able to pay more than any other firm for
signing top artists or acquiring producers.

This has allowed them to enact rapid growth, even at this
early stage in their development....

UOMO already own just over 100 copyrighted assets, including
4 winners singles from Canadian Idol, and most recently
"Colorblind" for TV Show "One Million Star" which is currently
climbing the charts.

Thirdly because UOMO profit from the entire process, they're
able to use UOMO Recorded Music as a loss leader.

While other producers must make money from the production
segment of the market, UOMO can forgo that profit in favor
of nurturing the artist.

Even to the extent that UOMO can make a loss from UOMO
Recorded Music... Knowing that they'll be able to profit from
UOMO Publishing, UOMO Talent Management and UOMO
Digital Distribution.


I also told you in last nights email, that UOMO had an exciting
plan for growth.

You' see by controlling each segment of the music industry
UOMO have been able to develop a replicable formula which
can be applied to many artists.

So that when an artist is signed, UOMO can instantly... Record
new tracks with UOMO Recorded Music, start licensing these
new tracks and the back catalogue with UOMO Publishing...

... Start producing and selling branded merchandise, and
organize a tour with UOMO Talent Management, and finally
they can instantly get the artists songs for sale on the likes of
itunes and Napster.

This has not only allowed them to sign the hottest new artists,
UOMO are also buying up music properties such as producers
and applying this formula to the back catalogue of songs.

And the slump in the music industry, could not have came at
a better time for UOMO.

Music Properties, such as publishers who own the rights to
songs are uncertain about future profits.

... This has allowed UOMO to buy them up for a fraction of
their true value, and these rights are earning UOMO a stable
ongoing revenue as we speak.

(And by applying the UOMO 360 deal, they've been able in
most cases to massively boost the profits of these media

And this has almost became free money for UOMO, by
acquiring cheap rights then applying their formula they're
able to make huge abnormal returns with minimal risk.

Now I told you in last nights email, that today I'd reveal the
"real reason" I believe UOMO will rocket in price.

You' see...

UOMO have hit a problem, now may be the golden age in
the music industry for acquiring cheap rights etc...

But UOMO are only able to expand as fast as their capital
will allow...

Which is why UOMO have floated on the OTC stock exchange,
in order to raise $2 mil in capital.

To raise such a substantial amount of capital, UOMO are
planning a huge investor relations drive to raise their profile
and attract shareholders.

Which is why I believe, very soon everything I've told you about
UOMO will be taken into account in the market price.

(i.e. This company have a clear route to success, with a formula
they've already used and proven to work.)

And in fact, UOMO promoting themselves as a public company
will only serve to speed up how fast the market re-evaluates
UOMO... Allowing for what I believe will be a quick profit.

In summary...

I think now is an excellent time to start researching UOMO
Media. Everything I've told you is public information, largely
ignored by the market...

To do your own research, I'd recommend reading through the
past press releases to see the companies development and
reading their corporate website listed at the top of this email.

P.S. UOMO's long term growth will come from using their formula
to quickly acquire and make above average returns from the
record producers and artists...

However in raising the finance for this UOMO are planning to
raise their profile as a public company. This will I believe lead
to the market re-evaluating the stock price of UOMO... And
taking into account everything I've just explained.

It is this which I believe could see the stock price rocket in
the coming week or so.

Newest Penny Stock Pick!!

Since the start of the "Digital Revolution" the music
industry has been in decline. Even industry giant EMI has
been taken over by a private equity firm who believe they
can turn it around.

Tomorrow's stock pick is a company whom have found a way to
take advantage of the manic slump in this industry.

Let me explain...

The process of the music industry is split into 4 key roles.

First the "Recorded Music Producer", this is the person who
actually gets in a studio and produces songs with the artist.
They're usually also the firm who found the artist in the
first place.

They'll be paid a one off fee, and most often a percentage
of overall future profits the artist generates.

Secondly the owner of "Publishing Rights"... Anyone can buy
or acquire the rights to an artists song. And this means
every time the song is used in a film, advert, or put on
CD... The owner of these rights is paid a percentage.

(Michael Jackson famously paid $47 million for The Beatles
publishing rights...)

Thirdly there is "Talent Management" this company manage
what the artist actually does... If they go on tour, produce
branded merchandise or CD's, this company will manage it
and take a cut.

Finally there is a relatively new addition to the process,
"Digital Distribution"... These companies liaise with digital
music portals like Itunes, Napster and Music Match.

(For this service they usually take a large cut of online digital sales.)

You can see, the industry is fragmented into a bunch of
different firms whom all take their cut from what an artist
or band produces.

Though it is the addition of "Digital Distribution" that has
recently shaken the industry. US households are now buying
twice as many "digital singles" as real CD singles.

Profits of the big four, including "Sony BMG" and "EMI Music"
are waning... especially since online music portals allow for
the purchase of individual songs at prices of just $0.99 or

This has surged the industry into a manic depression, and the
uncertainty has lead to low risk music properties (publishing
rights holders, talent management etc...) whom generate
stable ongoing revenue... Being sold for amounts far under
their market value.

A minute ago I told you, tomorrows stock pick have found a
way to take advantage of this slump in the music industry.

You' see, this company... Let's call them "X" own:

X Recorded Music
X Publishing Rights
X Talent Management
X Digital Distribution

In other words they are the first, 100% "vertically integrated"
record label... Which allows them to make money in all
stages of the music production process.

And critically, they are also able to take full advantage of
the "Digital Revolution" because they own the "X Digital
Distribution" firm whom liaise with the likes of itunes and

So what does this mean?

It means that when "X" signs a new artist, they can instantly
use that artist to generate profits for all four parts of the
company... Not just one.

And it also means in signing an artist, their risk is reduced
since when they have a winner on their hands... They fully
capitalize and make enough money to carry hundreds of
unsuccessful artists.

And "X" can keep applying this formula to as many artists as
they can physically manage to sign...

Let's say a normal music producer can sign an artist for $2.5
mil... This producer may be able to generate $5 - $10 mil by
producing with the artist and collecting his percentage.

But then once this producer has worked to make the artist a
success other firms step in, and manage the tour or manage
selling the songs online.

However as this firm own all segments of the process they're
able to sign an artist for $2.5 mil and then make many
millions for each subsidiary of the firm.

What's more however, the current slump in the music industry
couldn't have come at a better time.

Hundreds of music properties are now for sale, at prices that
represent a fraction of what they would of been worth a few
years back.

... And because this firm can make as much as four times
more profit out of signing an artist than others can they
are in an excellent position to capitalize on the undervalued
state of the industry.

But everything I've told you is only part of the reason why
I believe this stock will rocket... I'll be sending the "real"
reason tommorrow.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Do You Own Share's of this week's stocks??

I featured this company in the newsletter just a few months
ago. And when I released the pick, subscribers saw a 38.2%
gain in just 5 days.

Let me explain why:

You' see, let's say your partner comes back from the food
shopping trip and is singing the praises of some new wonder
product he or she picked up.

It could be a skin cream, or a new cleaning solution... it
doesn't matter.

(These times are often the best ones to start investigating
the company, Dunkin' Donuts, Pier 1 Imports, L'eggs these
are all products that shot to stardom before Wall Street even
took a second glance).

And so let's say you take an interest in this new product,
and ask all about it. Your partner says his/her friends are
all talking about it and it was even featured in the local

You quickly find out the company is publicly traded... Now
there are about 3 stages I put a product like this into:

First, the product is unproven. It is perhaps a potential
medical breakthrough you read about, these are usually very
risky and should be easy to turn down.

(The failure rate among these types of companies is
astonishingly high).

Next, there are those products that are approved for use
(Safety Approved, FDA Approved etc)... And have favorable
market research.

These investments are good, if the market research shows
strong results it can often be a good time to get in.

But is there anything better?

You' bet... The best type of "product based" investment is
one which have a proven product... With proven market research...
Whom are already starting to sell on a small scale.

Why, on a small scale?

If the product is only being sold in one state, for example...
And sales are going well it's very likely the stock price has
not accounted for this small scale success.

Yet this kind of success, is like looking into the future...

If a product does well in small scale test marketing to a
subsection of the country... It's very likely the company
is about to "roll out" to the rest of the country... Where
the success will be invariably repeated.

Only this time, (This bit's important)... When the product
is being fully "rolled out" the companies profile will see
the stock price realigned to its real value with these
developments taken account of.

And this is a formula that happens with almost every product
driven company, but finding these companies at the right time...
With a stock price that does not reflect the obvious
developments... is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Now, as I said... Last time I told you about this company
the stock jumped 38.2% in the following 5 days.

And that was when the company was in my "Stage 2" in the
example above. The companies product had just announced extremely
favorable marketing research.

But more importantly, when I first told you about the company,
they had just signed a distributor agreement with the largest
distributor of this product in the US.

And it was on this news, that subscribers of Doubling Stocks
were able to make a great percentage gain.

So why am I emailing you again?

Well those distributors, who signed the agreements (that made
the stock price rocket) have just placed relatively large orders
to start stocking the product in certain states...

In other words, the company is entering "Stage 3" of it's
development, right before they are expecting to "roll out"
across the entire U.S.

Even better though, the stock price is somehow below those
prices at which it was trading when the agreements were signed!

What does this mean?

Well if news of the signing of those agreements, saw the
stock price jump by 38.2%... I believe it could see the stock
price rocket when the same group of investors notice that those
agreements have actually materialized into orders.

I'll be emailing you more details about this company tomorrow...
And I also happened to find this product stocked at a nearby
shop, I took a quick photo which I'll attach to tomorrow's email.

(By the way, this photo offers an interesting incite).

If you want to be one of the first to read my full report,
have your email inbox open at precisely 9:30AM tomorrow morning...
That's when I'll be able to tell you about all of my findings.

technorati tags: doubling stocks, stock trading robot, penny stock picks