Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Doubling Stocks ... The Stock Pick!

The other day I sent you an email. This email was a
warning that for the first time in 2 months Doubling
Stocks would be releasing a new stock pick.

Thousands of you sent emails, and my support staff
worked diligently to respond to all.

One of your main concerns, was how best to take
advantage of stock picks, since they were being sent
out less frequently in the current financial market.

My best advice, is that you concentrate your investing
efforts on stocks that somehow take advantage of the
current financial situation.

And that is exactly what I'm emailing you about

Let me explain....

The US financial markets have started to crumble
in the past 6 months. This panic is coming to a head
now with the media coverage of the $700bn
government bailout.

We saw the largest fall in the DOW since 9/11...

Though as always this torrent of bad news caused
panic selling. The market vastly overreacted, and now
has already started to rebound.

In fact, on Friday, the DOW gained 122 points in a
single day.

But the markets crumbling has another effect. Gold,
often bought as a currency hedge, typically moves
opposite the dollar.

With the crumbling US economy, gold has soared in
recent weeks. With gold having the largest ever one
day price advance last week, a staggering 17% gain.

And most experts are expecting Gold to hit $1000 an
ounce for the first time, as the yellow metal continues
to offer investors a safe haven from volatile financial
markets and supply remains tight.

This type of strongly held sentiment, almost always
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But, as I told you the other day, I almost never
recommend the buying of a commodity outright.

A better way to leverage your money is to invest in a
stock which will benefit strongly from the higher
commodity price...

Since the markets have currently been driven down,
largely by unfounded panic selling. Many stocks are
already undervalued.

And with the expected increase in the price of Gold,
I expect gold stocks to soar for two reasons. Firstly
they will experience greater profit margins and increased
revenues due to a higher price of Gold. And secondly
with all the media attention on Gold, these stocks
will be watched by a far greater amount of investors.

And these two factors, have made way for a remarkable

You' see already the markets have started to rebound
after their drastic fall, (like I said, the DOW advanced 122
points on Friday).

And combining this market rebound, with a strong Gold
company could I believe produce a double barreled gain.

For these reasons, I believe just about any Gold mining or
refining stock is a good bet at the moment...

But for the last two months, I've been watching one
particular Gold company, very closely.

And there is one big reason, I believe this Gold company
will do very well over the next few weeks.

But first, let me explain more...

Over the last two months, while I've been researching
this company I flew over to Cambodia (where their main
mine is located). I took with me an independent geologist.

Here are the photo's I took at the mine:

Now, my main reason for flying was not just to take some
photo's. You' see so many mining companies, over
exaggerate the prospects of their properties.

To be sure this company was not one of them, I hired a
local geologist and took him with me.

We hand panned the area, and took 6 samples back to
the laboratory. The results showed in one sample, Gold
was present to the amount 298 grams/tonne gold.

This level of Gold was higher even than the company
themselves had sampled.

It was at this point I started to become very interested
in this small mining company!

But, before you get excited. Finding Gold is not the only
thing required to be a successful mining company.

If the gold proves expensive to excavate, or government
controls in the area raise costs... Profit can be quickly

Luckily for me, having a good mining property is not
where the surprises ended. This company also had
a foolproof business plan:

Let me explain...

This companies business plan revolves around keeping
costs extremely low. This is quite unheard of in the
mining industry, where companies often invest millions
before a profit is shown.

Here's how they do it:

The companies management team, is a group of 3
experts with a combined 49 years experience in the

They are extremely good at using their contacts and
experience to find viable mining properties.

Testing a property, for gold can be done cheaply
and quickly... Yet once gold is found the property
is worth exponentially higher than what it was

This companies business revolves around spending
time, and little money finding mining properties with

Once gold, (or another precious mineral) is found,
this company will not excavate the mine.

Instead, they will find a local company to partner with
in a Joint Venture. The local company then finances
all excavation of the mine, all refining of the gold, and
all for a share of the profit.

This hands off approach to mining, allows this company
to leverage their managements experience in finding
viable mines... While keeping operating costs remarkably
low, such that the company minimizes their chance of
ever hitting financial troubles.

Smart huh?

Now, as you can see I believe this Gold company
has great long term prospects. But combine that with
the fact I believe almost any Gold company will do
well in today's market...

I am extremely excited to watch this stock trade over the
coming weeks.

However, just before, I told you there was one big
reason I believed this specific, Gold company would
soar over the coming weeks.

Here it is... The 800lb Gorilla...

Earlier today a reputable investment research firm,
whom analyze and produce reports for almost every
US security have predicted the following price
movement for this stock.

Sep-28 (08) $0.65 (current price)
Oct-31 (08) $2.068
Dec-26 (08) $3.005
Mar-27 (09) $2.521
Jun-26 (09) $1.776
Oct-02 (09) $1.371

This investment research firm is regarded as one
of the most accurate research companies and service
some of Wall Street's leading research departments.
Hedge funds, value investors and day traders all
place their trust in this independent research firm.

And they have rated, tomorrows stock pick a "Buy",
claiming they expect the stock to climb from $0.65
(current price) to over $2 by the end of next month
and over $3 by Christmas.

This report is published and sold by Yahoo Finance.
And is available to purchase, under "Research
Reports" for this stock on Yahoo.

This independent report only backs up my belief that
this company is everything I believed it to be.

It's obvious I believe this stock to have great prospects,
and one of a few stocks that could make outstanding
gains in this kind of market.

To get the most out of this stock pick, I'd suggest you
are ready by your email inbox at precisely 9:30am
tomorrow morning.

Then I'll be sending you the ticker of this stock, along
with a copy of the research report mentioned above.

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