Monday, October 13, 2008

Doubling Stocks ... Urgent Stock Pick (My Best Ever!)

Yahoo Finance:
Company Websites:

This is not an ordinary stock pick. And if you are only
ever going to read one of my stock picks... This should
be the one.

You' see...

Last week, my stock pick ELRA jumped from $0.65 to
$1.33 making for a gain of 104.61% in a little under
3 days.

Hundreds of you, emailed me telling me how much
you'd made. $1200, $5000, even $7000 and all
almost overnight.

In fact:

Had you invested $10,000 when I first sent you an
email you'd now be looking at $20,461 in your
brokerage account.

A pure profit of $10,461 in under 3 days.

Now, just think what that kind of money could do for
you... A new car maybe... 6 months of the mortgage
paid off?

And for what?

Reading my emails of an evening?

Anyway, before you get too upset if you missed last
week's bonanza... I believe the exact same thing is
about to happen this week.

Here is why:

We already know ELRA is a fundamentally strong
mining company. I told you that last week.

But what you probably didn't know is that they've
been secretly working on a method of...

Producing Raw Gold At Just... 1 Penny Per Ounce!

Think about it. Anybody who can get gold out of the
ground for a penny...

And sell it for even $500 per ounce or $400 per ounce
stands to make a handsome return. And so do their

So here's how this works.

You' see, despite thousands of tons of gold being
mined each year... So far only 5% of the worlds Gold
has been found.

In fact, America itself sits on billions of dollars worth
of Gold... That will likely never be found.

And the reason is simply because this Gold is too
expensive to excavate, usually because it is in
underground veins too deep below the surface.

And so when most mining companies survey a
new site, they're not just looking to see if Gold is
present... They also want to know if it is cost
effective to mine this Gold.

However most of the time, this Gold is stored in
the same "underground veins" as large quantities
of another metal... Copper. And like the Gold, this
copper is not worth extracting, simply because it
would cost more to extract than the spot value of
the copper itself.

But now, let's talk about something truly exciting.

You' see traditionally, the methods of extracting Gold
and Copper have been very different. Each requires
a different method of extraction...

But ELRA have developed a specific method of
extracting both Gold and Copper in the same process.

And while this may not sound like a big discovery,
the implications are huge...

You' see, the copper mining is so lucrative the
profits more than cover the cost of pulling Gold
out the same hole.

... And that means close to 100% upside potential
on the Gold, no matter the current spot price on
the market.

Now, I wanna talk about something different.

Bear with me.

Let's both try and imagine, if you held the stock
of some little known company... What would be
the best possible thing that could happen.

Here are some possibilities:

Possibility #1 - The company, takes on a new set
of management. They have a vision to grow the
company. They've even developed a plan, and
it seems like an almost idiot proof method of making

And you, are one of the very first investors to know
about this.

Comments: This is a good situation to be in and
one that, you'll recall Doubling Stocks has used
in the past to great effect. But I think we can do

Possibility #2 - What about, this plan is actually
put into action, and it's working just like was
predicted. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are
rolling in for this small company... And again...
You are one of the very first investors to know
about it.

Comments: Now we're talking! This company is
already bringing in oodles of cash, yet the
investment world hasn't caught up with it yet.

Pretty soon you can count on the company
releasing a very nice looking income statement.
And yet, you were one of the very first to know
of the companies success.

But I think we can still do better... Here is
Possibility #3...

Come closer. Listen: Think about what could be
the best possible piece of luck you could have.

Think about a reporter who heard a rumor about
the product or service of your stock... And decided
to check it out.

And then, he fell in love with it. In fact, he loved it
so much, he went back to his typewriter and wrote
a full-page rave article about the company.

Because, as I've told you before... It is not a
development which sends a stock price flying it is
NEWS of this development.

A press release, an annual report, even rumors
in the investment community... It's these things
which move a stock higher... And certainly NOT
the development itself.

Anyway, so this article runs in a National newspaper
maybe the Wall Street Journal.

Almost overnight hundreds of thousands of investors
would find out about this stock. They'd here a reporter
at a National paper talk about how good it is, how fast
this company can grow.

What do you think is going to happen?

There's absolutely no way the stock price wouldn't
rocket. Not even if it was nailed down.

Wouldn't that be nice? Sure would. However, it is
also unlikely such a thing will happen. So...

A major shareholder is going to be that reporter!

A financier of Elray Resources is about to run a full
page newspaper ad in both USA Today and Investors
Business Daily.

A combined circulation of almost 3 million readers!

The ad is all about ELRA, and this new discovery.

And what's more...

It's written in the exact style of a newspaper article.

It looks just like a reporter has fell in love with this
company and decided to dedicate a FULL page
to the story.

Yet the stock ticker (ELRA) is printed loud and
clear right at the end in 30pt type.

Just think about it.

Thousands and thousands of investors will be
punching in that ticker, when this ad runs.

And YOU are in the special situation, of knowing
about this before any of them!

By the way, I managed to get a hold of a draft version
of the "article". Take a look:

(You'll need 'Adobe Reader' to open that file).

I believe this will be a monumental stock pick
for my subscribers, and this stock as we know
has already made thousands of dollars for
a lot of you guys.

Because of the nature of this pick, and how
fast I think my subscribers will want to get
in on this... I'd suggest you quickly start doing
more research on ELRA.

Firstly you can take a look at the companies
website and
then take a look through all the companies
press releases (
to see how they have developed.

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