Company: Vanguard Minerals Corporation (VNGM.OB)
Yahoo Finance:
Company Websites:
I don't generally like to chose the same stock, let alone the
same stock twice in a row... But I really couldn't pass up what
I believe will be easy profits again on VNGM.
Last week subscribers gained 69.56% in just under 8 days, on
VNGM ... And I've chosen the same stock again, for good reason.
Now, Kick back and grab a cool one... As in this report I'm
about to explain the absolute best way to find a stock about
to rocket in price.
So what is the best type of investment opportunity?
Here are some possibilities:
Possibility #1 - This investment opportunity has a huge "upside
potential" meaning it realistically could return 60 - 100%
within the time scale.
Sounds good huh? in fact this is usually what I consider a
Doubling Stocks pick to be. But is there anything better?
Possibility #2 - This investment opportunity has a huge upside
potential for gain, (again, a 60 - 100% return is realistic)
but this time the risk is very small.
There is something in the investment that means you're only
ever likely to lose a very small amount of your investment...
And even this would only happen if things went really bad.
... And I like to characterize the second type of investment
opportunity in a saying:
"Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much!"
If you went the horse track and you were offered, 90% odds of
a 20 times return and a 10% chance of losing your money, would
you take that bet? Heck Yes!
You'd likely want to make that bet all day long, and it would
make sense to bet a very large amount, or as much as you could
comfortably afford, with these spectacular odds.
It is a very low-risk, high-return bet. Heads, I win; tails,
I don't lose much!
In fact, in horse racing, as you probably know unlike a casino
in horse racing you are betting against other bettors. And the
house takes a flat 17% as a fee.
Therefore "frictional costs" relative to the stock market are
very high... i.e. The cost of getting in and out is high.
To be a consistent winner at the race track, a person has to
overcome the staggering 17% frictional cost of placing a bet.
... And there are in fact a few who can, and who make their
living this way.
Yet they don't bet like the rest of us...
These guys, watch all the horses and races, yet place no bets.
Then, when they encounter widely misplaced odds (in their favor)
on a horse about which they know a great deal, they bet heavily
on that one horse in that one race.
... After that they go back to watching the horses and races
indefinitely with no bets placed until another good opportunity
shows up.
What are they doing?
They are looking for mispriced bets!
A horse with a one in two chance of winning, which pays you
three to one. They're looking for a mispriced gamble.
And guess what?
These happen in the stock market too. They don't come about
often, but when they do there is certainly scope to make a lot
more than our neighbors at the racetrack.
"Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much!"
You may think, what I've explained is far fetched... And must
only be an available opportunity once in a blue moon.
But there is man from Surrey (You know of him) and he has built
a $7 billion fortune... By using this strategy time and time
His name is... Richard Branson.
Let's delve into the birth of Virgin Atlantic and learn how to
start any business with minimal capital.
Richard Branson started his entrepreneurial journey at 15 and
was very successful in building an amazing music recording and
distribution business.
Somebody sent Branson a business plan about starting an all
business class airline, flying between London and New York.
He thought about this proposition all weekend, and on Monday
went to meet his partners. They laughed off the idea, claiming
it was ludicrous just the plane alone would cost $200 million.
Branson persisted.
He called director inquiries to get the number for Boeing, and
asked if they had an old Boeing lying around.
The guy said they did, and after some persuasion the guy gave
out some ballpark figures and agreed they could lease Branson
a plane.
Branson then figured out his total outlay and maximum liability,
for starting Virgin Atlantic Airlines (if it failed) was just
$2 million.
(His record company was on track to earn $12 million that year).
Branson also figured he could hire a small ground staff, place
a few ads in the paper and start taking reservations.
Now if someone came up with this idea in Silicon Valley, there
would be a fancy business plan put together, and it would all
be based on at least $60 million in start up capital.
Branson did not go down this path.
The "business plan" was done in a weekend and resided in
Branson's head.
... And Virgin Atlantic went on to become a wildly successful
business that made a profit of almost $100 million last year.
And in 1999 Branson sold 49% of Virgin Atlantic, for a figure
that valued the entire business at £1.25bn.
Over 10 years his return on investment (ROI) has been amazingly
high ...So high it would be unheard of on Wall Street.
Because, Richard Branson intrinsically builds his businesses
and takes risks based on...
"Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much!"
By now you're likely thinking "Look Richard Branson has done
very well - my hat's off to him. It's an entertaining story,
but surely these kind of opportunities cannot be still around
for little old me".
I'd be lying if I told you these opportunities came up in the
stock market every day. They just don't and even more so now
with the amount of analysts watching companies...
Almost all wildly "mispriced bets" would be found and exploited
(forcing the price upwards and closing the gap).
And the reason I've brought this up is not just because I
wanted to tell you one of my stock picking secrets. It is also
because VNGM follows this "heads I win, tails I don't lose
much" principle.
Let me explain...
Last week VNGM rose from $0.46 to $0.78, a 69.56% again in just
under 8 days.
During this time the stock formed a trading pattern, first it
rose upwards towards $0.55... It then swiftly dropped back down
by $0.10 before rising again towards $0.78...
Since then the stock has dropped back to $0.60... for what I
believe (and what Marl believes) will be another run in the
stock price.
And I believe the effects of this technical trading pattern
will be leveraged on the recent increased investor awareness
of this stock.
You' see last week VNGM was trading on large amounts of volume,
in other words many investors were getting in and out which
is what formed the trading pattern Marl found.
... And so right now, we have a large amount of investors
whom have VNGM sitting at the top of their portfolio, watching
its every move.
In my experience this amplifies any situation, if the stock
starts to move up and the stock charts show a green arrow...
Investors interest will pique and all those watching VNGM have
the opportunity to easily buy in, for what looks like a repeat
performance of last week.
Just look at the stock chart:
The chart clearly shows a pattern as it peaks, then falls back,
then peaks again before falling back.
This pattern was identified by Marl last week, and again this
This time, Marl issued an even stronger buy recommendation
because the pattern is trending towards what I believe (and
what Marl believes) will be an even bigger gain.
So, how does this relate to the heads I win, tails I don't
lose much theory I told you about?
Well, as a matter of fact VNGM is an opportunity that follows
this theory exactly.
I've just explained what I believe is the "Heads I win" factor
in this stock... And this is all Marl needed to give this pick
a strong recommendation.
But what makes VNGM so great, that I decided to choose it as
a pick twice in a row?
Of course it is that in my opinion it has very small, downside
risk. And so it meets the "tails I don't lose much" criteria
Again, let me explain:
I chose VNGM because it is a Uranium company with an edge over
others. They are situated in an area that allows for a very
low cost of production.
... And they are currently working hard to raise their profile
with investors, since releasing the pick VNGM have reported a
very important development.
VNGM are planning to start exploration at a new site (Killock
Bay) which will include:
* Compilation of historic geological, geophysical,
geochemical and drilling data from government
assessment files;
* Helicopter-supported property-scale boulder sampling
and prospecting;
* Ground geophysics, data interpretation and target
identification; and...
* Possible drilling if warranted.
If VNGM start drilling at this site, it could see millions
of dollars flood onto this small companies accounts.
And if that did happen, it could send the stock price rocketing...
Now, naturally I'm not pinning my hopes on this reserve being
full of Uranium (that would be foolish).
But I believe just the fact this is a possibility will support
the stock price at these levels.
In other words...
If, as I believe and as Marl predicted VNGM follows its trading
pattern and runs back upwards...
Then "Heads I win"... you'd be able to make a good profit in
just a week or two.
And I strongly believe this will happen. Marl predicted this
same pattern last week, and it made lots of subscribers almost
a 70% gain.
But what really makes this pick great.
What makes it the 800lb Gorilla is that...
Even if this does not happen, VNGM is a great value investment.
The company operates in an industry that is obviously directly
linked to the price of Uranium.
And experts agree...
Uranium is only likely to increase in price in the future, as
more Nuclear Plants are built that require Uranium.
Not only this but the company is in my opinion massively
undervalued, even at these levels.
... And these value factors will support the stocks price,
even if the technical aspect does not come true.
Therefore VNGM is a classic case of:
"Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much!"
It is the same stock, following the same trading pattern that
made investors huge profits just last week...
And as I said, I believe VNGM's stock price is very likely to
slowly (but aggressively) run upwards over the next coming week
or two weeks...
Which could I believe allow you to easily double your money.
P.S. As in my opinion VNGM is an obvious "mispriced bet", it
is very time sensitive. If you're reading this email more than
24 hours after it was sent please don't even bother.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Doubling Stocks ... Vital Update on The Uranium Pick
A couple of days ago I emailed you about VNGM...
For those who decided to invest in this stock, congratulations
you made a good decision.
First I chose VNGM because they were a company riding on
the price rise of Uranium as a commodity.
You' see between the current supply and demand of Uranium
there is still a huge gap... And for the past 3 years it has
risen towards $140/lb and then back down, currently at $60/lb.
Experts in this area, have concluded that price rises are
likely to continue and in the markets this consensus will
likely become self fulfilling.
And as I explained investing in a company linked to a
commodity (likely to rise in price), gives two
distinct advantages:
* First it focuses investors attention on this stock, and
others in the same industry.
* Secondly, particularly for mining companies... A commodity
rising in price bodes well for future profits.
But thirdly and most importantly I chose VNGM because it
is a Uranium company with an edge over others. They are
situated in an area that allows for a very low cost of
... And they are currently working hard to raise their
profile with investors, since releasing the pick VNGM have
reported a very important development.
VNGM are planning to start exploration at a new site
(Killock Bay) which will include:
* Compilation of historic geological, geophysical,
geochemical and drilling data from government
assessment files;
* Helicopter-supported property-scale boulder sampling
and prospecting;
* Ground geophysics, data interpretation and target
identification; and...
* Possible drilling if warranted.
If VNGM start drilling at this site, it could see millions
of dollars flood onto this small companies accounts.
And if that did happen, it could send the stock price
But that's not what I'm waiting for...
I believe news of this development is yet to fully take
effect on the stock price.
And so I think we will see VNGM's stock price continue
to gradually rise over the next 2 to 3 weeks. (As more
investors become aware of it).
I strongly believe this stock is yet to hit its peek, with
the main reasons I chose VNGM being factors which will take
effect in the longer term (6 - 8 weeks)...
But... I feel this stock will continue to rise strongly
over the next 2 - 3 weeks, while news of this new development
is spread.
Because of this I feel those who wait a little while longer,
(maybe 3 weeks at most) will be handsomely rewarded.
For those who decided to invest in this stock, congratulations
you made a good decision.
First I chose VNGM because they were a company riding on
the price rise of Uranium as a commodity.
You' see between the current supply and demand of Uranium
there is still a huge gap... And for the past 3 years it has
risen towards $140/lb and then back down, currently at $60/lb.
Experts in this area, have concluded that price rises are
likely to continue and in the markets this consensus will
likely become self fulfilling.
And as I explained investing in a company linked to a
commodity (likely to rise in price), gives two
distinct advantages:
* First it focuses investors attention on this stock, and
others in the same industry.
* Secondly, particularly for mining companies... A commodity
rising in price bodes well for future profits.
But thirdly and most importantly I chose VNGM because it
is a Uranium company with an edge over others. They are
situated in an area that allows for a very low cost of
... And they are currently working hard to raise their
profile with investors, since releasing the pick VNGM have
reported a very important development.
VNGM are planning to start exploration at a new site
(Killock Bay) which will include:
* Compilation of historic geological, geophysical,
geochemical and drilling data from government
assessment files;
* Helicopter-supported property-scale boulder sampling
and prospecting;
* Ground geophysics, data interpretation and target
identification; and...
* Possible drilling if warranted.
If VNGM start drilling at this site, it could see millions
of dollars flood onto this small companies accounts.
And if that did happen, it could send the stock price
But that's not what I'm waiting for...
I believe news of this development is yet to fully take
effect on the stock price.
And so I think we will see VNGM's stock price continue
to gradually rise over the next 2 to 3 weeks. (As more
investors become aware of it).
I strongly believe this stock is yet to hit its peek, with
the main reasons I chose VNGM being factors which will take
effect in the longer term (6 - 8 weeks)...
But... I feel this stock will continue to rise strongly
over the next 2 - 3 weeks, while news of this new development
is spread.
Because of this I feel those who wait a little while longer,
(maybe 3 weeks at most) will be handsomely rewarded.
doubling stocks,
penny stock picks,
penny stocks
Monday, April 7, 2008
Uranium Pick from Stock Trading Robot
Company: Vanguard Minerals Corporation (VNGM.OB)
Yahoo Finance:
Company Websites:
Last night I told you I had found a "hot topic" stock that
was flying under the radar of most investors...
And for those who didn't read that email, I mean... Marl found
a stock that is massively undervalued... even though it trades
in an industry where companies usually have extremely high
stock prices.
And there is usually just one reason companies are undervalued.
And that is... They have poor growth prospects, and so wall
street investors forget about them like an unwanted step son.
On the other hand, when these wall street types find a exciting
company... (usually in the hot topic of the moment)... it will
be bought up and up until the price bares little resemblance
to the companies real value.
A great example of this is Apple and Google, whom are both
companies which are massively overvalued by investors.
And this is mainly because of the perceived worth of their
brand, and the high profile these companies have.
So it goes hand in hand... that the price of a stock is often
dependent not on the companies performance but mainly on whether
the company operates in an industry that is a "cocktail party
topic"... at that point.
Can you remember when Google floated, not so long ago? It was
featured on the news, and everyone (not just investors) was
talking about it...
That kind of high profile coverage took the stock from its
floated level of $30/share to the crazily high $747.24 per share.
Whereas companies whom operate in "boring" industries, such as
funeral services are often priced at such low levels, an investor
could buy over 50% and simply liquidate all assets and make
a profit.
And what does this have to do with VNGM?
Glad you asked... You' see VNGM.OB is a Uranium mining company,
or a stock that operates in one of these hot industries that
everyone seems to be talking about.
Almost every day we seem to hear about global warming, and new
fangled forms of green energy.
And so it goes without saying, that stock prices in this
industry are usually extremely high...
And I often won't even analyze companies in this industry. As
99% of them are already valued based on their growth prospects...
And that's an unfair method of valuation... it wipes out
potential profit as the investor has already paid too high
a price.
So when I found a company (in this industry) that based on
analysis shows to be extremely undervalued... I began to get
very excited.
VNGM.OB is priced at a level that represents true value, and this
is attached to a company that has growth prospects usually
only associated with stocks of much higher prices.
Let me tell you a little about the "hot" area this company
operates in...
Over 50% of the Uranium produced from mines comes from Canada
(28% of world supply), and Australia (23%). Other major
producing countries include Kazakhstan, Russia and Namibia.
The world's largest undeveloped, high-grade uranium deposit
today is Cigar Lake in Saskatchewan. Cigar Lake, operated by
Cameco Corp. holds 232 million pounds of Uranium at a grade of 19%.
Production from Cigar Lake was scheduled to begin in early 2008.
At its peak, Cigar Lake was supposed to provide 17% of world's
uranium supply. But now the future of the mine is in doubt.
In October 2006, Cameco announced that Cigar Lake had sprung a
leak and the underground workings are now completely flooded.
From what I hear, the mine may be lost completely. At any rate,
Cameco recently reported that production won't start back up
for another three years.
News of the flood pushed uranium prices 6.6% higher in October,
from $56 a pound to $60. The increase was the largest weekly
gain in 20 years. But since then, the energy metal has already
doubled to over $120/lb!
About 16% of the world's electricity came from 440 nuclear
reactors last year. This figure is constantly growing. Right
now there are 29 reactors under construction around the world
and another 66 being planned. Japan alone intends to add 11
more by the year 2010 and China hopes to add 24 to 30 by 2020.
So right off the bat we know that demand for the radioactive
metal is set to increase just because of the growth in nuclear
power generation. (The more Nuclear Power Stations are built the
more Uranium they demand).
... And demand for Uranium is very easy to accurately forecast.
The cost structure of a nuclear power plant, means that the
main cost is that of building the plant. Operating the plant is
relatively cheap and so...
It is very cost effective for a plant to keep running at high
capacity all the time. And in fact it is rare that you'll be
able to find a Nuclear power plant (in operation) that is not
operating at the time of your visit.
And so the demand forecast for Uranium largely depends on the
number of plants over the country... Regardless of economic
So the more plants that are being built, means there is more
demand for Uranium... And consequently it will rise to a higher
Now get this...
Production from the world's uranium mines now supplies only
about 60% of the requirements of the world's nuclear power
utilities leaving a wide gap between production and demand.
The shortfall has been made up largely from government stockpiles
and recycled nuclear weapons. But these supplies are currently
running thin and certainly won't last very much longer.
The supply-demand balance for uranium is tighter than any other
major commodity. And the flooding at Cigar Lake didn't help.
With a global building boom for nuclear power plants underway,
demand for uranium is only going to rise. With rising demand
will come increased prices.
Simply put, investing in uranium is a "no-brainer." Uranium
prices are almost guaranteed to continue increasing in value...
...In fact industry experts, strongly agree on this. As it is
one of the easiest commodities to forecast (price wise).
But I also told you in yesterdays email that I don't think
investing in Uranium (as a commodity) is a good idea.
You' see over the years, stocks have provided (on average) far
better returns than any commodity.
And smart investors realize that the best way to invest in a
commodity is to do it indirectly. By investing in a company
that is directly affected by the price of that commodity.
This is because you can give yourself an extra edge over most
investors, by pairing up a strong company with a direct link
to a strong commodity investors can give themselves a very low
downside risk with huge upside potential.
(i.e. The business could be sold, at the height of the Uranium
bull market... And the full and total profit would be realized)
So why is this company so undervalued?
VNGM is a very new stock... And new stocks are where the best
opportunities to get in early come from.
And VNGM is a uranium exploration firm whom base their operations
in Saskatchewan where high-grade ore can be extracted but most
importantly (and here's the reason I chose this company):
... Unlike other Uranium exploration companies this one can
extract the valuable mineral at extremely low production costs
primarily because of where they are located.
You' see the company own several large claim blocks, in a place
called Athabasca Basin. This place is renowned for its low cost
of production... and this affords the company a vital competitive
Because Uranium is purchased solely on the price, (apart from if
the quality is inferior)...
Profit Margins are Slim...
And therefore the ability for one company to have a lower cost
base means they can charge less, and make more. In addition
they'll have more profits to invest in exploration and they'll
be able to continue operation even when times are hard.
And this company have their own "secret weapon".
One of the companies staff is a maverick of the mining industry:
His name is John Maddry, he has been in the mining industry
for 18 years... And during this time he was instrumental in
the discovery of million dollar gold deposits in Nevada and
South Carolina.
He has helped find mines which have taken companies to millions
of dollars in annual profits.
This guy is also an authority on professional geology, and is
the author of numerous acclaimed publications.
In last nights email I also told you that VNGM.OB had been flying:
"Under the Radar"
And this is absolutely true...
You' see VNGM have a management team whom are more focused
on growing and creating shareholder value, than jumping up and
down for attention...
It's no surprise that the best opportunities are often the ones
that go unnoticed.
And finding an undervalued company like this is like striking
pure gold... they are as rare as hens teeth, and by the very
point that they are undervalued means their true worth is often
hidden and hard to find in a quick analysis.
But is there anything better than an undervalued company?
You' see I have one problem with investing in undervalued
stocks. The market can often require up to 5 years, until it
finally revalues the stock at the correct market price... where
profit can be taken.
But if you can find, an undervalued company, whom are operating
in a hot investing area (technology, bio-tech, alternative
energy etc).
... Then you have a distinct advantage.
Because these companies operate in a hot area, with a very
active investor base... they are often re-valued by the markets
much quicker.
And VNGM is even helping this process to go even faster...
You' see only recently has the management started to "shout"
about what they do, by releasing news and creating a corporate
... And so the only reason I chose this stock as a value play,
was because... It is in a "hot topic" area... And so I believe
the process of the market re-evaluating it could take...
Just Two or Three Weeks!
At which point I believe the stock price could soar to its
true value of $1.80 or $1.90.
This type of stock pick, is just about my all time favorite.
Investing based on value, is like betting at cards when the
dealer tips his hand.
Because the markets always, always correct themselves. If a
company is truly undervalued, it could take months or even
years but eventually the stock price will reflect the companies
true value.
And so, I think you're really just waiting, for the inevitable
to happen. Like I said it's just like betting at cards, when the
dealer is tipping his hand your way.
One last thing I think you should know before researching VNGM.OB
is that, I nearly didn't send this pick out...
That's right. Even though this is almost definitely one of the
best opportunities I have seen this year, I almost skipped it.
Because it requires something most stock traders don't have.
... Discipline
Value investing requires...
The discipline to find a good opportunity, bet big, and hold
onto that position until the market has fully re-valued it.
If you "chicken" out you could still end up with, I believe
a 30% gain... But I strongly believe this stock will peek at
a 200%+ gain within 2 or 3 weeks.
PS. With a stock which is this promising, you are looking for a
200% gain minimum... Any less and I'd be bitterly disappointed,
because this sort of opportunity doesn't come along often...
but when it does it's where all the biggest gainers come from.
How I Make $346.77 Per Week With a
Stock Trading Bot, Running on My PC!
Click Here to find out how!
Yahoo Finance:
Company Websites:
Last night I told you I had found a "hot topic" stock that
was flying under the radar of most investors...
And for those who didn't read that email, I mean... Marl found
a stock that is massively undervalued... even though it trades
in an industry where companies usually have extremely high
stock prices.
And there is usually just one reason companies are undervalued.
And that is... They have poor growth prospects, and so wall
street investors forget about them like an unwanted step son.
On the other hand, when these wall street types find a exciting
company... (usually in the hot topic of the moment)... it will
be bought up and up until the price bares little resemblance
to the companies real value.
A great example of this is Apple and Google, whom are both
companies which are massively overvalued by investors.
And this is mainly because of the perceived worth of their
brand, and the high profile these companies have.
So it goes hand in hand... that the price of a stock is often
dependent not on the companies performance but mainly on whether
the company operates in an industry that is a "cocktail party
topic"... at that point.
Can you remember when Google floated, not so long ago? It was
featured on the news, and everyone (not just investors) was
talking about it...
That kind of high profile coverage took the stock from its
floated level of $30/share to the crazily high $747.24 per share.
Whereas companies whom operate in "boring" industries, such as
funeral services are often priced at such low levels, an investor
could buy over 50% and simply liquidate all assets and make
a profit.
And what does this have to do with VNGM?
Glad you asked... You' see VNGM.OB is a Uranium mining company,
or a stock that operates in one of these hot industries that
everyone seems to be talking about.
Almost every day we seem to hear about global warming, and new
fangled forms of green energy.
And so it goes without saying, that stock prices in this
industry are usually extremely high...
And I often won't even analyze companies in this industry. As
99% of them are already valued based on their growth prospects...
And that's an unfair method of valuation... it wipes out
potential profit as the investor has already paid too high
a price.
So when I found a company (in this industry) that based on
analysis shows to be extremely undervalued... I began to get
very excited.
VNGM.OB is priced at a level that represents true value, and this
is attached to a company that has growth prospects usually
only associated with stocks of much higher prices.
Let me tell you a little about the "hot" area this company
operates in...
Over 50% of the Uranium produced from mines comes from Canada
(28% of world supply), and Australia (23%). Other major
producing countries include Kazakhstan, Russia and Namibia.
The world's largest undeveloped, high-grade uranium deposit
today is Cigar Lake in Saskatchewan. Cigar Lake, operated by
Cameco Corp. holds 232 million pounds of Uranium at a grade of 19%.
Production from Cigar Lake was scheduled to begin in early 2008.
At its peak, Cigar Lake was supposed to provide 17% of world's
uranium supply. But now the future of the mine is in doubt.
In October 2006, Cameco announced that Cigar Lake had sprung a
leak and the underground workings are now completely flooded.
From what I hear, the mine may be lost completely. At any rate,
Cameco recently reported that production won't start back up
for another three years.
News of the flood pushed uranium prices 6.6% higher in October,
from $56 a pound to $60. The increase was the largest weekly
gain in 20 years. But since then, the energy metal has already
doubled to over $120/lb!
About 16% of the world's electricity came from 440 nuclear
reactors last year. This figure is constantly growing. Right
now there are 29 reactors under construction around the world
and another 66 being planned. Japan alone intends to add 11
more by the year 2010 and China hopes to add 24 to 30 by 2020.
So right off the bat we know that demand for the radioactive
metal is set to increase just because of the growth in nuclear
power generation. (The more Nuclear Power Stations are built the
more Uranium they demand).
... And demand for Uranium is very easy to accurately forecast.
The cost structure of a nuclear power plant, means that the
main cost is that of building the plant. Operating the plant is
relatively cheap and so...
It is very cost effective for a plant to keep running at high
capacity all the time. And in fact it is rare that you'll be
able to find a Nuclear power plant (in operation) that is not
operating at the time of your visit.
And so the demand forecast for Uranium largely depends on the
number of plants over the country... Regardless of economic
So the more plants that are being built, means there is more
demand for Uranium... And consequently it will rise to a higher
Now get this...
Production from the world's uranium mines now supplies only
about 60% of the requirements of the world's nuclear power
utilities leaving a wide gap between production and demand.
The shortfall has been made up largely from government stockpiles
and recycled nuclear weapons. But these supplies are currently
running thin and certainly won't last very much longer.
The supply-demand balance for uranium is tighter than any other
major commodity. And the flooding at Cigar Lake didn't help.
With a global building boom for nuclear power plants underway,
demand for uranium is only going to rise. With rising demand
will come increased prices.
Simply put, investing in uranium is a "no-brainer." Uranium
prices are almost guaranteed to continue increasing in value...
...In fact industry experts, strongly agree on this. As it is
one of the easiest commodities to forecast (price wise).
But I also told you in yesterdays email that I don't think
investing in Uranium (as a commodity) is a good idea.
You' see over the years, stocks have provided (on average) far
better returns than any commodity.
And smart investors realize that the best way to invest in a
commodity is to do it indirectly. By investing in a company
that is directly affected by the price of that commodity.
This is because you can give yourself an extra edge over most
investors, by pairing up a strong company with a direct link
to a strong commodity investors can give themselves a very low
downside risk with huge upside potential.
(i.e. The business could be sold, at the height of the Uranium
bull market... And the full and total profit would be realized)
So why is this company so undervalued?
VNGM is a very new stock... And new stocks are where the best
opportunities to get in early come from.
And VNGM is a uranium exploration firm whom base their operations
in Saskatchewan where high-grade ore can be extracted but most
importantly (and here's the reason I chose this company):
... Unlike other Uranium exploration companies this one can
extract the valuable mineral at extremely low production costs
primarily because of where they are located.
You' see the company own several large claim blocks, in a place
called Athabasca Basin. This place is renowned for its low cost
of production... and this affords the company a vital competitive
Because Uranium is purchased solely on the price, (apart from if
the quality is inferior)...
Profit Margins are Slim...
And therefore the ability for one company to have a lower cost
base means they can charge less, and make more. In addition
they'll have more profits to invest in exploration and they'll
be able to continue operation even when times are hard.
And this company have their own "secret weapon".
One of the companies staff is a maverick of the mining industry:
His name is John Maddry, he has been in the mining industry
for 18 years... And during this time he was instrumental in
the discovery of million dollar gold deposits in Nevada and
South Carolina.
He has helped find mines which have taken companies to millions
of dollars in annual profits.
This guy is also an authority on professional geology, and is
the author of numerous acclaimed publications.
In last nights email I also told you that VNGM.OB had been flying:
"Under the Radar"
And this is absolutely true...
You' see VNGM have a management team whom are more focused
on growing and creating shareholder value, than jumping up and
down for attention...
It's no surprise that the best opportunities are often the ones
that go unnoticed.
And finding an undervalued company like this is like striking
pure gold... they are as rare as hens teeth, and by the very
point that they are undervalued means their true worth is often
hidden and hard to find in a quick analysis.
But is there anything better than an undervalued company?
You' see I have one problem with investing in undervalued
stocks. The market can often require up to 5 years, until it
finally revalues the stock at the correct market price... where
profit can be taken.
But if you can find, an undervalued company, whom are operating
in a hot investing area (technology, bio-tech, alternative
energy etc).
... Then you have a distinct advantage.
Because these companies operate in a hot area, with a very
active investor base... they are often re-valued by the markets
much quicker.
And VNGM is even helping this process to go even faster...
You' see only recently has the management started to "shout"
about what they do, by releasing news and creating a corporate
... And so the only reason I chose this stock as a value play,
was because... It is in a "hot topic" area... And so I believe
the process of the market re-evaluating it could take...
Just Two or Three Weeks!
At which point I believe the stock price could soar to its
true value of $1.80 or $1.90.
This type of stock pick, is just about my all time favorite.
Investing based on value, is like betting at cards when the
dealer tips his hand.
Because the markets always, always correct themselves. If a
company is truly undervalued, it could take months or even
years but eventually the stock price will reflect the companies
true value.
And so, I think you're really just waiting, for the inevitable
to happen. Like I said it's just like betting at cards, when the
dealer is tipping his hand your way.
One last thing I think you should know before researching VNGM.OB
is that, I nearly didn't send this pick out...
That's right. Even though this is almost definitely one of the
best opportunities I have seen this year, I almost skipped it.
Because it requires something most stock traders don't have.
... Discipline
Value investing requires...
The discipline to find a good opportunity, bet big, and hold
onto that position until the market has fully re-valued it.
If you "chicken" out you could still end up with, I believe
a 30% gain... But I strongly believe this stock will peek at
a 200%+ gain within 2 or 3 weeks.
PS. With a stock which is this promising, you are looking for a
200% gain minimum... Any less and I'd be bitterly disappointed,
because this sort of opportunity doesn't come along often...
but when it does it's where all the biggest gainers come from.
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Doubling Stocks ...The Most Undervalued Mining Company, I've Ever Seen
This week's stock is something special. I know it, my team
knows it, Marl knows it and by the time you have finished
reading this email you will know it.
And there is one vital reason I believe researching this
company tomorrow could be the smartest financial move you
make this year.
First, I'd like to tell you about my favorite industry to
invest in at the moment...
Alternative Energy!
Why? Because it's a hot topic. It's in the media every single
day... And for a problem humans face it's probably the biggest.
Now usually I don't like "hot topic" stocks. Riding the latest
wave usually produces mediocre results, since companies in
"hot sectors" are usually overpriced to begin with.
It's not uncommon for hot companies to have huge price to earnings
multiples... In fact, one of the hottest companies, Apple has
a 33.38 P/E ratio...
In other words it would take over 30 years for the company to
make back (in earnings) any money you invest.
Forgive me, I digress... Because I've found what I consider to
be an absolute rarity...
A hot topic stock, that is virtually unknown!
And this company is operating in the alternative energy field...
But more specifically I'm talking about a silver-gray metallic
chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table
that has the symbol U and atomic number 92.
Like I said last week, the US and UK economies, aren't looking
healthy at the moment. Highlighted by the very recent takeover
of Bear Sterns at just $2 a share.
The markets may be headed into recession, but there are two
commodities I believe you can count on... Uranium and Gold...
Mineral commodity markets tend to be cyclical, i.e. prices rise
and fall substantially over years. In the uranium market, very
high prices in the late 1970's gave way to very low prices in
the early 1990's.
... In fact they were below the cost of production... and mines
were losing millions of dollars a month!
But on cue, in 1996 prices recovered so that mines could produce
profitably again... But since 2003 there has been a very very
strong recovery.
And because of this, and the mindset of consumers and investors
that energy is scarce further forcing prices higher... Investing
in these markets is I think...
Recession Proof!
And by what I've said you must be thinking that investing in
Uranium as a commodity is a good move... But there's something
even better.
Whenever I investigate and find a commodity is heading into a
bull market... I always... try and invest in a company which
benefits from this bull market instead.
You' see over the years, stocks have provided (on average) far
better returns than any commodity.
And pairing up a strong company, with a strong link to a commodity
expected to increase in value... Is the smarter way to invest
in commodities.
And the company I've picked is a uranium exploration firm whom
base their operations in Saskatchewan where high-grade ore can
be extracted but most importantly (and here's the reason I
chose this company):
... Unlike other Uranium exploration companies this one can
extract the valuable mineral at extremely low production costs
primarily because of where they are located.
You' see the company own several large claim blocks, in a place
called Athabasca Basin. This place is renowned for its low cost
of production... and this affords the company a vital competitive
Because Uranium is purchased solely on the price, (apart from if
the quality is inferior)...
Profit Margins are Slim...
And therefore the ability for one company to have a lower cost
base means they can charge less, and make more. In addition
they'll have more profits to invest in exploration and they'll
be able to continue operation even when times are hard.
And this company have their own "secret weapon".
One of the companies staff is a maverick of the mining industry:
I cannot name him, but he has been in the mining industry for 18
years... And during this time he was instrumental in the discovery
of million dollar gold deposits in Nevada and South Carolina.
He has helped find mines which have taken companies to millions of
dollars in annual profits.
This guy is also an authority on professional geology, and is the
author of numerous acclaimed publications.
But most importantly for us, this company is operating in a
"hot topic" industry... And it has been flying under the radar
of almost every investor.
In fact... This company is I believe undervalued even in comparison
to normal companies, but in comparison to similar hot topic stocks...
It's an Absolute Bargain!
Now I must tell you, I don't usually like to invest in stocks that
are undervalued. And by this I mean, for example, companies that
are selling for $500 Million with $600 Million worth of real estate
or oil or anything that can be fairly easily turned into cold hard cash.
You' see stocks like this can be a bargain. And they are almost
guaranteed profits... But it can take up to 5 years for the market
to finally correct the price, and take into account the resale value
of the factories (in this example).
... And so the only reason I chose this stock as a value play, was
because... It is in a "hot topic" area... And so I believe the process
of the market re-evaluating it could take...
Just Two or Three Weeks!
By the way, there is a strange, and unusual reason the company has
kept itself "under the radar"... And I'll explain why in tomorrow's
If you want to read that email, as soon as it hits your inbox, I
suggest you have your email inbox open at precisely 9:30AM tomorrow
morning... That's when I'll be sending an intriguing report with all
my findings.
Best Regards,
Michael Cohen
P.S: A number of members have left feedback that they occasionally
receive the "warning email" (this email)... But not the actual
newsletter during market open.
Because of this, I've setup a page where you'll be able to view
tomorrow's stock pick report online (At 9:30AM EST)...
How I Make $346.77 Per Week With a
Stock Trading Bot, Running on My PC!
Click Here to find out how!
knows it, Marl knows it and by the time you have finished
reading this email you will know it.
And there is one vital reason I believe researching this
company tomorrow could be the smartest financial move you
make this year.
First, I'd like to tell you about my favorite industry to
invest in at the moment...
Alternative Energy!
Why? Because it's a hot topic. It's in the media every single
day... And for a problem humans face it's probably the biggest.
Now usually I don't like "hot topic" stocks. Riding the latest
wave usually produces mediocre results, since companies in
"hot sectors" are usually overpriced to begin with.
It's not uncommon for hot companies to have huge price to earnings
multiples... In fact, one of the hottest companies, Apple has
a 33.38 P/E ratio...
In other words it would take over 30 years for the company to
make back (in earnings) any money you invest.
Forgive me, I digress... Because I've found what I consider to
be an absolute rarity...
A hot topic stock, that is virtually unknown!
And this company is operating in the alternative energy field...
But more specifically I'm talking about a silver-gray metallic
chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table
that has the symbol U and atomic number 92.
Like I said last week, the US and UK economies, aren't looking
healthy at the moment. Highlighted by the very recent takeover
of Bear Sterns at just $2 a share.
The markets may be headed into recession, but there are two
commodities I believe you can count on... Uranium and Gold...
Mineral commodity markets tend to be cyclical, i.e. prices rise
and fall substantially over years. In the uranium market, very
high prices in the late 1970's gave way to very low prices in
the early 1990's.
... In fact they were below the cost of production... and mines
were losing millions of dollars a month!
But on cue, in 1996 prices recovered so that mines could produce
profitably again... But since 2003 there has been a very very
strong recovery.
And because of this, and the mindset of consumers and investors
that energy is scarce further forcing prices higher... Investing
in these markets is I think...
Recession Proof!
And by what I've said you must be thinking that investing in
Uranium as a commodity is a good move... But there's something
even better.
Whenever I investigate and find a commodity is heading into a
bull market... I always... try and invest in a company which
benefits from this bull market instead.
You' see over the years, stocks have provided (on average) far
better returns than any commodity.
And pairing up a strong company, with a strong link to a commodity
expected to increase in value... Is the smarter way to invest
in commodities.
And the company I've picked is a uranium exploration firm whom
base their operations in Saskatchewan where high-grade ore can
be extracted but most importantly (and here's the reason I
chose this company):
... Unlike other Uranium exploration companies this one can
extract the valuable mineral at extremely low production costs
primarily because of where they are located.
You' see the company own several large claim blocks, in a place
called Athabasca Basin. This place is renowned for its low cost
of production... and this affords the company a vital competitive
Because Uranium is purchased solely on the price, (apart from if
the quality is inferior)...
Profit Margins are Slim...
And therefore the ability for one company to have a lower cost
base means they can charge less, and make more. In addition
they'll have more profits to invest in exploration and they'll
be able to continue operation even when times are hard.
And this company have their own "secret weapon".
One of the companies staff is a maverick of the mining industry:
I cannot name him, but he has been in the mining industry for 18
years... And during this time he was instrumental in the discovery
of million dollar gold deposits in Nevada and South Carolina.
He has helped find mines which have taken companies to millions of
dollars in annual profits.
This guy is also an authority on professional geology, and is the
author of numerous acclaimed publications.
But most importantly for us, this company is operating in a
"hot topic" industry... And it has been flying under the radar
of almost every investor.
In fact... This company is I believe undervalued even in comparison
to normal companies, but in comparison to similar hot topic stocks...
It's an Absolute Bargain!
Now I must tell you, I don't usually like to invest in stocks that
are undervalued. And by this I mean, for example, companies that
are selling for $500 Million with $600 Million worth of real estate
or oil or anything that can be fairly easily turned into cold hard cash.
You' see stocks like this can be a bargain. And they are almost
guaranteed profits... But it can take up to 5 years for the market
to finally correct the price, and take into account the resale value
of the factories (in this example).
... And so the only reason I chose this stock as a value play, was
because... It is in a "hot topic" area... And so I believe the process
of the market re-evaluating it could take...
Just Two or Three Weeks!
By the way, there is a strange, and unusual reason the company has
kept itself "under the radar"... And I'll explain why in tomorrow's
If you want to read that email, as soon as it hits your inbox, I
suggest you have your email inbox open at precisely 9:30AM tomorrow
morning... That's when I'll be sending an intriguing report with all
my findings.
Best Regards,
Michael Cohen
P.S: A number of members have left feedback that they occasionally
receive the "warning email" (this email)... But not the actual
newsletter during market open.
Because of this, I've setup a page where you'll be able to view
tomorrow's stock pick report online (At 9:30AM EST)...
How I Make $346.77 Per Week With a
Stock Trading Bot, Running on My PC!
Click Here to find out how!
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